“Summer Media Studio: Green Future” took place from 23rd of June to 6th of July, 2023. Project tutors, film directors Mindaugas Survila (Lithuania), Salome Jashi (Georgia) and Audrius Stonys (Lithuania) together with participants found ways of approaching wildlife documentary, analyzed possibilities created by cinematic landscape and learned about details and subtext impact for a film. During the project, 8 short films were created by international creative teams of workshop participants from 8 different countries: Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Ukraine and USA.
"Jerry and the Plant" script by Boston Scharwarth and Maria Kasesalu
"Captain Krišna" edited by Paulius Dragūnas
"Sand in the Pockets" by Erik Sanchez Van Der Hulst
"Sand in the Pockets" by Justinas Lipnickas
"Jerry and the Plant" Boston Scharwarth
"My Grandmother's Story" Samanta Pinaitytė
"Jerry and the Plant" Produced by Danielė Kunčinaitė
"Sand in the Pockets" directed by Skaistė Bartkutė
"The Straw that Broke the Camels Back" by Joonas Lind
Directed by: Kamilė Kareivaitė and Robin Marten Leppik
Directed by: Boston Scharwarth and Maria Kasesalu
Directed by: Joonas Lind
Directed by: Yana Petrykova
Directed by: Paulius Dragūnas
Directed by: Alicja Nowicka
Directed by: Veronika Romenska
Directed by: Skaistė Bartkutė
Copyright © 2024 Summer Media Studio, photos: Modestas Endriuška - All Rights Reserved.